About me

My name is Sabine Schleich. I specialize in Matrix Transformation Healing. I have the honor to help  people start their own healing process through Matrix Transformation.


Sabine Schleich

I incarnated into a family that was very karmically burdened.

As a result of various health problems in childhood and adolescence I began to be interested in healing at a very early age. I collected herbs, I was interested in things like Homeopathy, Crystal Healing, Reiki. Yoga, nutrition and meditation. Also, I did a lot of consciousness work.

My first contact with Matrix Transformation was in 2011. Unexpectedly, I met a friend that I‘ve did not seen for many years. With her I had my first Matrix Session. This very intense experience sparked in me a desire to be able to do this work too.

Magically and in a very short time followed different Matrix / Quantum Healing courses where I had the opportunity to participate.

Through constant training with my family and friends, my life has changed a lot. Outdated, no longer useful habits, thought patterns, restrictive beliefs and living conditions have left my life. It created space for a liberated, self-determined and fulfilling life, a life full of joy, lightness, inspiration, success, health and happiness.

Thanks to this healing method, I was able to master challenges more easily, initiating a deeply healing process that reconciled my body, mind and soul.

I highly recommend this healing method to those who have the desire to change their lifes, who want healing at all levels to lead a harmonious, happy, fulfilling life.

I can also offer you Matrix Transformation as a distance healing.

In my blog I will write at regular intervals about how to have a healthy lifestyle, about Diet, about Crystal Healing and much more…

My Services

I Specialize in


In my blog I will give you ideas how you can rejuvenate your body and slow down the aging process through healthy diet and lifestyle.

Mind & Body

Take responsibility of your life!

It’s all about getting clear, expanding of consciousness and spiritual connection/awakening.

Remember who you really are! And step in your primal force!

It’ s my honor to empower you to step in a life full of joy, freedom, abundace, happiness and fullfillment.


Relaxation is the key of a life of joy, lightness and happiness.

It is possible to relax chronic muscles tensions throughout Matrix Transformation. Your movements getting softer and softer and you get more and more in your natural body posture.

Manifestation of Abundance

The key of manifestation of abundance is focusing of what you really want. Then it‘s all about relaxing and let it go.Let go of all that not longer serves you for your highest good.New peoples and situations come into your life.

You connect more and more with your higher self and you step automaticly in a life of abundance.

Energy Healing

Releasing energy blockages in the aura

Ancestral Healing, solve karmic connections

Past Life Healing,

Trauma Healing, integration of lost soul parts

Releasing of attachments, entities and implants/imprints and contracts

Body Transformation

I like to inspire you, especially ladies over 50 (younger ones, or men are also very welcome) how to stay/ or keep a good body shape.

It’s my honor to help you to connect more and more to your body, to be vital, vibrant and healthy through body cleansing, natural diet and physical education

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